As a Connecticut Chapter 7 Bankurptcy Attorney with over 30 years of experience I have seen clients make the mistake of contracting with Debt Relief Companies only to come see me months/years later after they discover they have incurred high fees and received no debt relief. There are some legitimate debt relief companies and in some circumstances they may offer the best option for debtors. There are also many companies which promise results they cannot achieve for their customers and these debtors only find out after they had money deducted from their checking accounts without significant reduction of their debt. Anyone having debt issues looking for relief options should first consult with a Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney. When I sit down with clients to review their financail situation I can determine if the fresh start from a Chapter 7 filing is the best option for them. If they qualify which mainly is determined by the fact there are no means test income and non-exempt asset issues than Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a better option than a debt repayment plan. First, debtors generally can receive a Chapter 7 discharge of their debts close to 3 months after they file their bankruptcy. A debt repayment plan can take years to complete. Second, in most cases filing for Chapter 7 will allow debtors to rebuild their credit quicker than a debt repayemnt plan.Third, the costs of filing Chapter 7 are consideraly less than a costs of a debt repayment plan. One time flat legal fee plus filing fee cost versus signifiant monthly fees over period of years. Fourth, all eligible debts discharged in Chapter 7. For a debt repayment plan to be successsful all debts must be paid thru the plan if the plan is not completed debtors left with remainig unpaid debt and bad credit.. This unfortunately is a very common result. There may be still the stigma attached to filfing bankrupcty which may prevent debtors from filing. As part of my job as a bankruptcy attorney I counsel my clients that there is no reason they should not file if eligible. Iin practtically all the cases I have hasd in my long carreer my clients have experienced serious financial hardship and I tell them there is no shame to receive the relief bankruptcy offers them.
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