Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Defense blog with posts designed to provide helpful information in understandable terms to people facing financial problems by a Connecticut attorney.
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Friday, December 28, 2012
Bankruptcy Allows You to Keep Your 401k and IRAs so Don't Liquidate to Pay Your Creditors
The conversion of a 401k or ira to pay creditors can be avoided by filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. These types of retirement accounts are exempt assets and can be kept for their future intended usage as retirement income. It is a mistake to convert an exempt asset like a 401k into a non-exempt asset by taking a 401k advance and deposit it into a personal bank account. The fact the funds can be traced back to the exempt 401k does not change the fact that they are no longer exempt. This mistake can be compounded by paying creditors with it if you could instead qualify for a discharge of your debts under Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Also even if you do not pay creditors with these funds what may appear to be a logical decision to deposit these funds into a relative's bank account to avoid any bank executions from outstanding judgments is a problem since the asset is now now longer exempt and has been transferred to an insider which under the Bankruptcy Code the Chapter 7 trustees can treat as an avoidable transfer for two years prior to the bankruptcy filing. Even if these funds have been paid back to the debtor prior to filing that does not cure the fraudulent conveyance under the terms of the Code and the relative who was doing the debtor a favor is subject to suit by a bankruptcy trustee for the amount transferred. Whenever faced with overwhelming debts before you liquidate your retirement accounts you should consult with a bankruptcy attorney to review your options to see if you can keep these accounts and discharge the debts with a bankruptcy filing.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tax Exemption for Mortgage Debt Relief is Extended for 2017
2017 Update-
"On February 9, 2018 the President signed into law a one-year extension of the exclusion. The retroactive extension was buried in the 652 page Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, Public Law No. 115-123 § 40201....The Act revives the exclusion from taxable income for qualifying principal residence indebtedness discharged before January 1, 2018 and to written discharge agreements executed before January 1, 2018. This will enable individual taxpayers to claim the exclusion for returns they file for their 2017 calendar year income. Given that Congress has rejected prior attempts to make the exclusion permanent, the likelihood of future extensions is doubtful." see full article @
Update for 2014-As of January 1, 2014 the tax relief act was not extended. There is a bill sponsored by two CT congressman to extend pending, but with our gridlocked Congress no guarantee that any extension is forthcoming. There is still a way for many sellers with pending short sales or in need of short sales to avoid negative tax consequences in 2014. If the seller is insolvent at time of sale the forgiven debt will not be considered as income if their liabilities exceed their assets in an amount equal to or in excess of the forgiven amount. IRS Publication 4681 provides examples of the application of this exception and a worksheet to calculate personal assets and liabilities to use for individuals tax returns. Although unusual some bankrupt homeowners seek to short sell after receiving a bankruptcy discharge. In these situations the mortgage debt discharged by the bankruptcy does not constitute taxable income and there is no debt cancelled by the bank's acceptance of a short sale just the release of the mortgage securing the home.
In 2007 to avoid hitting distressed
homeowners with the double whammy of foreclosure and tax debt from uncollected
foreclosure deficiencies The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act was enacted.
This Act is set to expire on December 31, 2012 and based on the current
political climate in Congress things do not look good for the extension of this
Act. This Act applies not only to foreclosure deficiencies forgiven, but to short
sales, deeds in lieu of foreclosure and mortgage modifications with principal forgiveness. It has
allowed underwater financially strapped homeowners to take advantage of
government and lender mortgage relief efforts without the consequence of
receiving a 1099 with phantom income and related high tax liability. Short
sales have become an attractive option for many homeowners and lenders since
the homeowner is relieved of the underwater property and mortgage debt and the
lender receives an acceptable payment from the sale without having to incur the
costs and delays involved with the foreclosure, maintenance and sale of the
property. Short sales have also been fueled by the National Mortgage Settlement
stemming from the litigation brought by the State Attorney Generals against
mortgage lenders. This Settlement has also spawned mortgage modifications with
actual principal forgiveness which I have personally seen increase this year. Before
this settlement act my clients that received debt forgiveness were in contested
foreclosure cases that I had filed special defenses and counterclaims. The
impact of the loss of the tax forgiveness in 2012 will take the teeth out of
this settlement leaving distressed homeowners without the relief it was
intended to provide them. They will not benefit from a short sale or mortgage
modification with forgiven debt if they are faced with a large tax liability.
Unfortunately these tax liabilities will be large since many of these
mortgages have been in default for years combined with properties that are
significantly underwater so phantom income in excess of $100,000.00 or more
will not be an unusual consequence. Also since the IRS is provided with such
extraordinary collection powers and income tax debt is treated as a priority
debt in bankruptcy there is no debt more frightening to any U.S. citizen
than delinquent income tax debt.
What the loss of this tax relief will mean
is that more distressed homeowners who cannot afford their underwater homes will
simply walk away from them. Homeowners who would have originally viewed a
mortgage modification with principal forgiveness as a godsend will not accept
these offers due to the accompanying tax burden. These facts will in turn lead
to more foreclosures and more borrowers may have to file bankruptcy to
discharge foreclosure deficiencies that could have been avoided with the Act in
place with a short sale or mortgage modification. Another sad consequence is
that for distressed homeowners who really want to hold onto there homes they
may be forced to accept a mortgage modification with no debt forgiveness
despite being eligible for it just to avoid the negative tax consequences. This
would negate the intended benefit of the attorney general’s settlement act and
provide an unintended benefit to lenders. There is little more than a month for
Congress to act and there are even larger issues being debated in Washington that
overshadow the need to extend this mortgage debt relief act. One can only hope
that as the year closes the vital need for the extension of this act is
recognized for the sake of not only distressed homeowners, but for the entire
housing market since the negative effects of increased foreclosures will
continue to drag the U.S. economy down into 2013 and beyond.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
When is The Appropriate Time to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Part 2 Income Issues
Although income considerations were always
a factor in determining when and if to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy the creation
of the Mean Test by the amendments to the Bankruptcy Code in 2005 added more to
consider in making this decision. In simple terms the Chapter 7 means test uses
the IRS median income based on household size and applicable state to first
determine if a debtor has to satisfy the means test in order to qualify for
Chapter 7. For example for a three person family in Connecticut the current median income is
$82,797.00. If the debtors' combined income for the six-month period
immediately preceding a bankruptcy filing calculated on an annual basis equals
less than the $82,797.00 there is no “presumption of abuse" and no need to
complete the means test. If the opposite is true than the means test needs to
be completed which makes the filing more difficult due to the arbitrary means
test expense calculations and the strong likelihood of a United States
trustee audit of the file to determine eligibility for discharge. This means in
cases where debtors' incomes are close to the median income and fluctuate from
month to month the timing of the filing can determine whether the means test
comes into play or not. Clearly all other factors aside the appropriate
time to file is when the six month income brings the debtor below the median
income to avoid the means test. This by itself will not determine whether
debtors may file Chapter 7. There are still the income and expenses
schedules that need to be completed for which the income and monthly expenses
for the next 12 months are projected. These schedules are based on actual
figures and allow debtors to take into account recurring expenses like student
loans which the means test does not. I find that in most cases if a
debtor has reached their financial bottom and reached out to me to help them
that if their income falls below the means test median income they usually
qualify for a Chapter 7 discharge.
Another factor to look at when reviewing income and the means test is the
household size of the debtors. The definition of household size is not
necessarily just the nuclear family. If an elderly relative or sibling with
little or no income contribution to the debtors' household income lives with
the debtors' family for the six month period prior to filing they can be
included in household size. In some cases this increase in household size can
make the difference whether the debtors have to pass the means test or not.
Finally, if it turns out that the debtors have to pass the means test it
does not mean they automatically will not qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Each case is unique and in cases where the debtors have large secured debts due
to mortgages and car loans and they intend to keep these assets there is a
stronger likelihood that they will pass the means test. This may also be the
case where a debtor has high recurring medical costs due to a medical condition
which can be viewed as a special circumstance under the means test. I had a
case like this and after providing the necessary doctor reports and proof of
medical expenses to the US Trustee my client obtained her discharge. These
audits are not easy, but if debtors can provide the requisite documents to the US trustee to
satisfy their audit they can obtain a discharge.
Friday, July 13, 2012
No Shame If You Need to File Bankruptcy to Obtain a Fresh Start
The emotional reaction that
my clients have toward filing bankruptcy is always an important consideration
that I take into account during my initial consultations with them. There are
very few clients that I have met with that do not possess some degree of shame
or sadness due to the fact they have reached their financial bottom and need to
file bankruptcy. Certainly back in 2005 when creditors were able to have the
bankruptcy code rewritten in their favor there was a concentrated publicity
campaign to depict all bankruptcy filers as gaming the system. The language
added to the code included terms like "presumption of abuse" and
"abusive filing." This initially created the mistaken belief that
bankruptcy was no longer an option for most people suffering financial
difficulties. A result that the creditors behind the changes to the Code were
no doubt quite pleased with. Over time this misplaced belief has dissipated,
however, I still see that my clients are affected by the stigma that creditors
wanted to attach to bankruptcy filers. I am not advocating that anyone take a
cavalier and irresponsible attitude toward their debt obligations by filing
bankruptcy. My point is that if someone without the income and assets needed to
pay off their debts has reached their financial bottom there is no shame
obtaining a fresh start by filing bankruptcy. Understandably
it may not be the option all people want to take and it is not a decision to be
made lightly without proper advice and counsel. During my consultations I not
only have to address the legal issues that may be involved, but help counsel
clients with the emotional baggage that has built up over time and cannot be
overlooked at these meetings. They made need to vent or cry and that is okay
since it is all part of working through their emotions. My holistic view of a
fresh start is that it is not only a financial one, but an emotional one that
allows clients to move forward positively to rebuild their lives.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
When is the Appropriate Time to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Part One:Preferential Transfers
After the initial determination that a Chapter 7
bankruptcy is the best option for a client one of the next issues that needs to
addressed is when should they file? There are a number of factors that
determine the appropriate time to file some of which can have significant
consequences if not handled properly. The discussion below focuses on the
effect of preferential transfers and the appropriate time to file bankruptcy.
First, assuming there are no other reasons to hold off filing the existence of
a judgment with wage and bank executions makes filing as soon as possible
necessary to avoid and decrease any future losses. This need to file right away
may be countered, however, with the existence of a preferential transfer which
may mean the client needs to delay their filing till the relevant preference period
expires. If a loan is repaid to an insider relative within one year of a
bankruptcy filing this automatically is considered an avoidable transfer by the
bankruptcy code. What this means is that the bankruptcy trustee can go after
poor mom and dad for the money that was repaid to them and disburse that to the
debtor's creditors. Certainly not a result any client wants his parents or siblings
to have to go through as a consequence of their bankruptcy filing. The remedy
of course is to wait till the year has expired before filing bankruptcy. Also
it is important that the payment back to mom and dad was a valid repayment of a
loan and not a fraudulent conveyance to hide assets from creditors. I will
leave the discussion of fraudulent conveyances for another post, but suffice it
to say that the look back period is at least 4 years for these types of
transfers and even then depending on what, when and how much was transferred
bankruptcy may never be an option.
During the pre-filing ninety day preference
period any payment in excess of $600 to any creditor of an antecedent debt can
be avoided by the trustee. An antecedent debt, for example, is an old credit
card bill or medical bill as opposed to a monthly mortgage, utility or car
payment. Now in many cases unlike a transfer to an insider relative a client
may not care if a trustee were to go after Bank of America to get back a $1,000
preferential credit card payment and still file within the ninety days. This
may and usually is not the case when the payment is to the family dentist for
some recent dental work who the client wishes to remain on good terms with.
Again the remedy is very simple just wait for the 90 days to expire to file
bankruptcy and Doctor Goodteeth will not hear from the trustee and will
continue to treat the family. This post only touches upon the timing of a
bankruptcy filing in relation to possible preferential transfers and there are
several other factors including asset issues, foreclosure and/or loan
modification status and income fluctuations among others that need to be
considered before filing bankruptcy. I will address these issues in future posts so stay tuned for Part Two.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Why Go Out of State When The Mortgage Modification Expertise You Need Is Here In Connecticut?
It disappoints me to still hear from prospective
foreclosure and mortgage modification clients who have paid out of state mortgage modification companies or so called "national law firms" that have failed to obtain
mortgage modifications for them. These companies are usually not properly licensed with
the Connecticut Department of Banking and these law firms are not authorized to
practice law in this state and woefully uninformed as to foreclosure law in
Connecticut. Most are also unaware of the existence and benefit of the court's foreclosure mediation
program. I have to admit I was initially skeptical about the foreclosure mediation program;
however I now see it as a very effective tool to negotiate with lenders and
their foreclosure counsel for acceptable resolutions of my clients' foreclosure
cases including mortgage modifications, short sales and deeds in lieu of foreclosure.
These companies and law firms blanket the internet with their advertisements
and promises of great results for homeowners desperately seeking to save their
homes. They take advantage of these homeowners' desperation with promises of unrealistic modifications to obtain payment of their fees before even seeing all of their clients' financials. In
these situations the phrase " If it sounds too good to be true than it is
not true" comes to mind when it comes to these advertisements and
promises. These modification companies and national law firms are ripping
people off and using their ill gotten profits to lure in more victims with
their misleading and false advertising tactics. If you need help in Connecticut with a foreclosure or a mortgage modification
contact an experienced Connecticut
attorney to help you. A Connecticut attorney can represent you throughout the whole process including filing an appearance for you in a foreclosure action or file bankruptcy as needed which these out of state companies and law firms cannot do. Don't waste your money with any of these out of state
charlatans and compound your problems by having to contact our Attorney General
and Department of Banking in an attempt to get back the fees you wasted by
hiring them.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
What Property Can I Keep if I file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Connecticut?
When I meet with prospective Chapter 7
clients a common concern they have is what property can they keep if
they file bankruptcy. I will attempt to provide a general explanation with this
post and will not provide detailed bankruptcy code and state statutory
references to avoid over complicating this topic. In order to properly review
how these exemptions apply to your situation you should always consult with an
experienced bankruptcy attorney. When you file bankruptcy all of your property
becomes property of the bankruptcy estate and you are allowed to keep the property
you can exempt out from this estate based on the federal or state exemptions.
Under the bankruptcy code you must choose one or the other and are not allowed
to mix and match the federal and state exemptions to best suit your situation.
This discussion only applies to the bankruptcies filed in the state of Connecticut since each
state has their own state exemptions. If you are a homeowner who wants to
file Chapter 7 to get rid of your credit card debt, but keep your home, which
at all times in this post means your principal residence, your number one
concern is which homestead exemptions should you apply to the equity in your
home. First, if your mortgage debt exceeds the value of your home than you have
no equity and there is nothing to exempt and assuming you are current with your
mortgage payments you can keep your home. Second, if you do have equity than
the exemptions you choose depends how much equity you have in your home. For
example, for a married couple with a house worth $250,000 and mortgage debt of
$150,000 they would need to use the Connecticut
state exemptions which provide $75,000 per homeowner to exempt the $100,000 in
equity they have. The current federal exemptions only allow $21,625 per
homeowner which would not work in this situation since any property of value
which is not properly exempted at the time of the bankruptcy filing will be
sold by the Chapter 7 trustee and after payment of his fees and expenses and
any secured debt the remaining proceeds will go to unsecured creditors. In most
of my current cases due to the economic downturn and mortgage crisis most of
the homeowners have little or no equity in their home and therefore they file
with the federal exemptions for the reasons discussed below.
The next most common exemption concern is
what exemptions are available for motor vehicles especially newer cars which
were purchased without auto financing. The current federal and state exemption
amounts for motor vehicles are almost identical with $3,500 for the state and
$3,450 for the federal. The federal exemptions usually offer the best option in
cases where the debtors do not own any real estate or their have no or little
equity in their home. The federal exemptions currently provide up to $11,975.00
for a "wild card exemption" which includes $10,825.00 of any unused
portion of the federal homestead exemption as opposed to only a $1,000.00 state
wild card exemption. For example, if an individual owns a car worth $10,000 he
can first use the $3,450 federal car exemption and than the "wild
card" exemption for the balance of $6,550.00 to keep his car. The wild
card exemption can be applied to any property even $11,000.00 in a savings
account. There are other variations between the federal and state exemptions,
but the advantage of the federal wild card exemption usually dictates that most
cases be filed using the federal exemptions unless you need the $75,000.00
state exemption discussed above. I have only tapped the surface with this post
of the proper application of bankruptcy exemptions and there are many other
specific exemptions which exempt in whole or in part 401Ks, IRAs, life
insurance policies, tools of trade among many other types of personal property.
Suffice it to say that in order to protect your property in conjunction with
filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy it is extremely important that you review all of your assets with an experienced bankruptcy attorney. You do not want to be
in a situation that I have unfortunately witnessed at creditors meeting where
an asset is disclosed for the first time and cannot be properly exempted and
taken by the trustee. An experienced bankruptcy attorney will use the
appropriate exemptions for your filing or in some cases tell you that you
cannot exempt all of your assets so you can make an informed choice whether
filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy is your best option.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Connecticut Short Sales and Deeds In Lieu of Foreclosures in a Nutshell
In situations where homeowners with relatively small amount of unsecured debt are faced with foreclosure and who do not want to keep their homes Chapter 7 bankruptcy may not be the best first option. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy may not also be an option due to the income/asset situation of the homeowner. Other options to consider are a short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure. A short sale is where the mortgage lender(s) approves a sale for less than the debt due it and depending on the homeowner's income and asset status the homeowner is released from their mortgage obligation without any or with some contribution and/or unsecured promissory note to the lender. Deed in lieu of foreclosure is where property is deeded back to lender with same analysis whether or not homeowner's release from the debt includes some contribution from them. In both situations the mortgage lenders require financial documents similar to mortgage modification applications. Lenders prefer short sales so they generally require the property be listed for a short sale first for a minimum of 3 to 6 months before considering a deed in lieu. Both of these options are available under the HAFA program for loans that are eligible for HAMP loan modification process which covers all Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac owned or guaranteed loans and loans serviced by HAMP participating loan servicers issued prior to Janaury 1, 2009. The advantage to pursuing a HAFA short sale or deed in lieu is that if you are approved for either the mortgage lender is required to waive any potential deficiency.
The approval process of either of these options can take some time and for short sales you need to have a buyer that is willing to wait for the lender to come to a decision. The same holds true for a deed in lieu especially since you have to usually start the short sale process first before converting to a deed in lieu application. In many cases a foreclosure will be commenced before the lender has made a decision. The good news is that both of these options are considered as suitable matters for the court's foreclosure mediation program. You can apply for this program and with the recommended assistance of a qualified attorney use the mediator to help negotiate either the short sale or deed in lieu. While in your in mediation the mortgage lender cannot proceed with its foreclosure so there is added incentive for them to accelerate their approval process. There are important tax considerations with the forgiveness of debt from a short sale or deed in lieu. Through December 31, 2012 any imputed debt from this forgiveness is exempted from Federal income taxation. Clearly if Congress does not act to extend this tax exemption the attractiveness of a short sale or deed in lieu will be greatly diminished. Consequently, anyone considering a short sale now would be encouraged to make that decision quickly since as indicated above the process will take time and the clock on the federal tax exemption is ticking away.
The approval process of either of these options can take some time and for short sales you need to have a buyer that is willing to wait for the lender to come to a decision. The same holds true for a deed in lieu especially since you have to usually start the short sale process first before converting to a deed in lieu application. In many cases a foreclosure will be commenced before the lender has made a decision. The good news is that both of these options are considered as suitable matters for the court's foreclosure mediation program. You can apply for this program and with the recommended assistance of a qualified attorney use the mediator to help negotiate either the short sale or deed in lieu. While in your in mediation the mortgage lender cannot proceed with its foreclosure so there is added incentive for them to accelerate their approval process. There are important tax considerations with the forgiveness of debt from a short sale or deed in lieu. Through December 31, 2012 any imputed debt from this forgiveness is exempted from Federal income taxation. Clearly if Congress does not act to extend this tax exemption the attractiveness of a short sale or deed in lieu will be greatly diminished. Consequently, anyone considering a short sale now would be encouraged to make that decision quickly since as indicated above the process will take time and the clock on the federal tax exemption is ticking away.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
It's Not Too Late To File Bankruptcy Just Because Judgments Have Been Entered Against You
I have found that some of
my clients with debt problems have the common misconception that once a
judgment is entered against them they cannot seek relief with a bankruptcy
filing. They unfortunately suffer through wage garnishments and bank executions
without realizing that the filing of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will stay all
judgments and all related collection attempts by the judgment creditor.
Furthermore, once the Chapter 7 discharge is entered these judgments are voided
and debtors are free from future creditor collection efforts. I take great
satisfaction in providing my bankruptcy clients with the serenity that they no
longer have to be fearful that their wages will be garnished or their bank
accounts cleaned out. There is no reason to lose hope just because judgments
have been entered against you. Bankruptcy does still offer the relief you need
to obtain a fresh start.
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